Celebrate Love! Happy Valentine’s Day | 2.14.14

Don’t give me no crap about hating Valentine’s Day this or Hallmark Holiday that. I don’t want to hear it. Cut that out. Single or attached, male or female, Valentine’s Day is simple: a chance to celebrate love. You don’t have to be in a relationship. You don’t have to buy all sorts of mushy-lovey-dovey junk or shell out big bucks for big blooms. You just need to celebrate the beautiful thing that is LOVE. There is someone in this world that loves you: a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a friend. There is someone in this world that you love: comrade, boo, pet, yourself. Whoever it is, whatever it is, just celebrate it! Love is a beautiful thing and too often it’s taken for granted or allowed to get comfortable. Today is the day to grab it, shake it out, and throw it a party. So just STFU if you’re one of those who thinks you need a boyfriend or a present today. All you need baby, is love.

Buuuut if you do want to grab a little sumthin-sumthin, here’s a few fun ideas (because this is a blog, not just a soapbox).

valentine's day: treat yourself

Why not show ourselves a little love, amirite??

valentine's day: spoil your best gal

Best friend or girlfriend, show your best gal a little love with something sweet or something sparkly!

valentine's day: mad about mom

Mom. auntie, grandmom or godmom, there’s a fierce female in your life who has had your back and loves you so. Throw a little love right back at her!

valentine's day: gifting a gent

And we all know a great guy that could use a little reminder of how we think he’s the bee’s knees!

So skip the presents (or not) and celebrate. Send an email or (gasp!) call someone and wish them a Happy Valentine’s Day. Love is a powerful thing. Celebrate it today!


Linzeelu, Thank You

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | 10.21.13

Happy Monday! Yesterday my hubs and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. On Friday I shared some shots from our big day. Today, a few shots from our honeymoon. We started off our trip in Las Vegas for a few days for some gambling and bright lights. We then hopped on a plane and headed to San Francisco! And let me tell you, that place is amazing! We made it a point to see the sights and splurge on some excellent dining. It was a fabulous trip made all the more better by the warm and friendly people of San Fran. We stayed on the wharf, toured Alcatraz, spent a day in Napa and ate like it was going out of style. We were basking in the afterglow of the outpouring of love and support we received at our wedding and it was a trip we’ll never forget!

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

The wharf in San Fran

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

The seals at Pier 39 – loud and smelly!

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

Touring Alcatraz

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

In solitary

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

Stopping at the Golden Gate Bridge on our way to Napa

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

Love on the Golden Gate Bridge

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

one of our four winery stops in Napa

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

Our view from our hotel room. Notice anything missing in the fog in the lower shot?

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

and what’s a stop in San Fran without visiting Buena Vista?!

Happy Anniversary: The Honeymoon | Linzeelue Thank You

Irish Coffee for two please!

Have you ever been to San Fran?! Where are some places on your must-visit list?


Linzeelu, Thank You

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | 10.18.13

It’s been a year. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by. One year ago (in 2 days), I married the funniest, sweetest, most hardworking sweetie pie I have ever known. We’ve had a fun first year with quite a lot of getaways. As we enter our second year we are working furiously on finding a house. We have been searching since May – SINCE MAY. But I suppose anything worth having is worth waiting for.

In honor of our special day, I wanted to share some shots from the greatest day ever – 10.20.12:

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

we do

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

Seriously… one of the funniest people ever

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

Our sweet flower girl

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

details from the Brookfield Zoo

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

Hello Rhino

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

gorgeous backdrop

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

best bridal party ever

Happy Anniversary: The Wedding | Linzeelu Thank You

for like ever

Happy weekend! hope yours is filled with lots of love!


Linzeelu, Thank You